Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gemsinger has finally been moving along again. I'm quite happy with all the work I did. I'm planning on improving some of my dungeons, and I am also working on mapping new towns and making events.

Here are a few screenshots for you to look at.
Click on the images to enlarge them.

And that's all. I'm planning on writing more in the blog because I don't want it to get dusty. If you have any ideas of what I could post to this blog feel free to notify me.

I may actually start writing about features again like I did in the past.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Gemsinger Project R returns!

We all loved this draft. I got so far on it. I got all the way to Kythria Island, and just threw it away. I played through the game again. I made 1 hour+ of gameplay, I don't want all that hard work to go to waste

So I shall return to Gemsinger R. Now here's a screenshot for your viewing pleasure

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gemsinger Chronicles S: The Battle Arena

Oh my! A portion of a Gemsinger Magazine has been leaked! In this picture we see there is a new feature in the game called the Battle Arena! (click on the image to enlarge it)

Okay, I tried to make a magazine clip image like a Coro Coro scan of some sort. It didn't really turn out well, and my art for Miresa was terrible. But the point of this is to announce that there will be a new feature for after you complete the game. You will be able to visit the battle arena after getting the battle pass. (An item that you receive after beating the main story of the game) I will try to make it so that after you beat the game, you'll still have many places to visit and side-quests to do. The Battle Arena is one of the activities you will be able to do after beating the main story. I'm still working on the main story, and the side-quests and other optional things will be worked on when I get temporarily tired of working on the main game. This way, I will make progress in the game even if I'm not working on the main story. I will make sure that this blog gets updated every once in a while so that you can stay updated on the video game.